Knowing These 6 Secrets Will Make Your Slow Cooker Look Amazing

Slow Cooker Buying Guide

Home-cooked meals are often the first casualty of a hectic schedule. But if
You're not ready to sacrifice everyday gourmet, a slow cooker can take the
Frenzy out of preparing a feast. Perfect for soups, stews, and tough cuts of
Meat, slow cookers are intended to simmer food at a low temperature for an
Extended period of time.
Keeping Meals Simple
Costs for the slow cookers we bought in previous tests ranged from $40 to $250,
But the cost of the cooker didn't predict performance. Specific features
Assisted make one slow cooker better, or more suitable, than another. The
Newer versions feature electronic controls which let you pre-program cooking
Time, usually in 30-minute intervals, and that automatically switch to warm
When cooking is complete.
Because there is so little difference in overall cooking performance we no
Longer test slow cookers or provide slow cooker Ratings. But if you are looking
For buying tips, check out this guide.
Slow Cooker Types
Basic slow cookers have an on/off button and not much more. If you spend
More, you can find a programmable slow cooker that lets you choose the
cooking time. In our past tests there wasn't much difference in performance
Between types, but the additional features provided added advantage.
Programmable Slow Cooker
Electronic controls and a digital timer allow you to choose cooking time. Some let
You plan the slow cooker for up to 24 hours at 30-minute increments and

Automatically change to a keep-warm setting when set time is up and can keep

Shop Programmable Slow Cooker on Amazon
Mechanical Slow Cooker
All you have to do is simply turn the control to the desired setting--low,
medium, or high. Mechanical models don't have a timer so you'll have to
Monitor the cooking, particularly for smaller quantities of more delicate foods,
And you'll have to turn off the slow cooker. Some have a keep-warm setting
However, you'll need to switch to this mode.
Features to Consider
Sturdy handles are a must, but slow cookers also offer features you may
Find helpful, like roasting racks to let you roast meat and poultry or steam
Vegetables, wrap-around cable storage, and insulated carrying bags.
Most slow cookers we've seen have a removable ceramic pot.
Some West Bend models have a metal cooking pot that rests on a heating
Base that looks similar to a hot plate. You will see models with nonstick
Coatings and a few that can safely be used in the oven, microwave, or on the
Ease of Cleaning
An easy-to-clean lid and insert which can go into the dishwasher is handy.
Touchpad controls are easier to clean than knobs and buttons.
A glass or clear plastic lid allows you to watch your progress without removing the
Lid and releasing heat. Some slow cookers have a split lid that is hinged--this
Lets you check on your food by lifting one side while the other remains shut
This is handy when serving also. Some slow cookers have a
serving ladle that fits snugly into a notch in the lid. A locking lid helps to keep
food from spilling while in transport to potlucks and parties.
Capacities can range from 1.5 to 8.5 quarts.
Fill the pot 1/2 to 3/4 full to avoid under- and over-cooking and to prevent
spillovers. Several manufacturers recommend a 5- or 6-quart slow cooker for
A family of four that uses the toaster for whole chickens and roasts.
Slow cookers are round, oval, or oblong--the oval shape can come in handy if
you plan on cooking roasts and other large cuts of meat. Even slow cookers
With similar capacities can vary in size.
Shop and transport, and of course they eat up more counter space.
Temperature Probes
Insert the probe into a large cut of meat, choose the temperature you want
The meat to achieve, and when the temperature is reached the slow cooker will
Switch into the keep-warm setting.

As simple as they are to use, slow cookers can pose a health risk if the food is
The national Food Safety and Inspection Service

• Keep perishable foods refrigerated until prep time. If you cut meat and
Vegetables ahead of time, store them separately in the fridge.

• Match the amount of food to the capacity of the slow cooker; assess the
Owner's manual for suggested quantities. Be Sure to add the right amount
of liquid.
• Never place a chilly stoneware insert into a preheated slow cooker. Let them

• When the power goes out during the cooking process and you are not at home,
Discard the food even if it looks done. If you are at home, finish cooking it by
Some other means like on a gas grill or in a neighbor's.
• Don't place a hot stoneware pot into the refrigerator, a sudden change in
Temperature can result in cracks. It's better to transfer any leftovers into a
Shallow container and store that in the refrigerator.
• Do not reheat leftovers in a slow cooker. Instead use a conventional cooker or
Microwave and heat to an internal temperature of 165° F. After that, you can
Return the food to the slow cooker for serving or transport.



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